Ace CinemaPlayer is a small software project, a regular video player. You can open your favorite movie files, format doesn't have any matter, and watch them if you have the appropriate codecs installed, of course. If you are an advanced user, while you are playing a movie file, you can fine-tune the parameters of the filters used to play the movie from the "File -> Filters used" option.
Moreover, if you try to spend more time with the software, you will discover an interesting feature not so common for such kind of programs: a built-in subtitle editor. Nice and simple, but a little tricky. You will need a little patience to understand how it works.
But more patience you will need at the program's first run, because you will need to switch the application language (it's Polish I guess)...if you find the option. OK, I will tell you...Select "Plik" (File) menu, and look under "Jêzyki" sub-menu...
There is another option that I didn't like, "Close player when end of file is reached", under the options window "Play -> Other Options".
In sum, I don't think this player will take your attention for a long time. But it is a nice try if you are comfortable with the subtitle editor.